A geographical area representing a latitude/longitude aligned rectangle.
This class does not wrap values to the world bounds.
Validate if LatLngBounds is empty, determined if absolute distance is
Get the north latitude value of this bounds.
Get the south latitude value of this bounds.
Get the absolute distance, in degrees, between the north and south boundaries of this LatLngBounds
Get the east longitude value of this bounds.
Get the absolute distance, in degrees, between the west and east boundaries of this LatLngBounds
Get the west longitude value of this bounds.
Get the area spanned by this LatLngBounds
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
Get the north latitude value of this bounds.
Get the south latitude value of this bounds.
Get the east longitude value of this bounds.
Get the west longitude value of this bounds.
Constructs a LatLngBounds from current bounds with an additional latitude-longitude pair.
Returns a new LatLngBounds that is the intersection of this with another LatLngBounds,
Returns a new LatLngBounds that is the intersection of this with another box.
Returns a new LatLngBounds that stretches to contain both this and another LatLngBounds.
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.